The government of the Republic of Azerbaijan is organized at the base of principles of separation of power. According to the traditional concept of the separation of power, the Constitution determines that the executive power is held by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the legislative power is carried out by the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the judicial power is held by the independent courts.
The legislative power of the Republic of Azerbaijan is held by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan has 125 deputies.
The deputies of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan are elected on basis of a majority system, and general, equal and direct elections by free, private and secret ballots.
Each convocation of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan is elected on the first Sunday of November every five years.
The terms of parliamentary deputies of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan are limited by the terms of the convocation of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Every citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic who has reached the age of 25 can be elected a Deputy - member of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic in the order determined by the Law. Persons who have dual citizenship, are in State service in other countries, work in Executive or Judicial bodies, Persons engaged in a different paid activity with he exception of scientific, creative and teaching work, ministers of religion, Persons whose inactivity has been confirmed by court, Persons who serve their sentence in places of confinement by the court's verdict cannot be elected Deputies.
The head of Azerbaijan State is the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The executive power of the Republic of Azerbaijan is held by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Every Person no younger than 35 years old, permanently residing in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic for more than 10 years, having election right, a University Degree, who has never been tried for a major crime, who has no commitments towards other States, exclusively a citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic shall have the right to be elected President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is elected for term of 5 years by general, equal and direct elections by free, private and secret ballots. The President of the Azerbaijan Republic shall be elected for the term of 5 years via universal, direct and equal elections by free, individual and secret ballot. The President of the Azerbaijan Republic shall be elected by the majority of two thirds of votes participating in the voting. No Person can be elected President of the Azerbaijan Republic more than twice.
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The President forms the President Administration and appoints the head of the President Administration for the purposes of establishment of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the Constitutional authorities.
The executive power is administered by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Administrative Department of the President is involved into logistical and financial support of the President and the President Administration.
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan forms the Cabinet of ministers for the purpose of organization the realization of the executive authorities. A cabinet of ministers is a superior body of the Executive power of the President, it submits to the President and accountable before him.
There are Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, Ministry of Ecology and National Resources, Ministry of Youth, Sport and Tourism, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Communication and Informational Technology, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Defense in Azerbaijan Republic.
There are State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Republic, State Committee on affairs of Religious organizations, National Bank of Azerbaijan Republic, State Oil Fund, State Committee on affairs of Refugees and IDPs, State Statistics Committee, State Committee on affairs with azerbaijanians living abroad in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Juridical power of the Republic of Azerbaijan realize Constitutional Court of the Republic, Highest court of Azerbaijan Republic, Court of Appeal of the republic of Azerbaijan, Economic Court of Azerbaijan Republic.
Under the 7th clause of the Constitution Legislative, Executive and Juridical powers interact and are independent within the limits of their authorities.